E-Hentai / MangaDex

Support the artist:
Melonbooks: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=1905823
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/4098752
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HIROTSUKI5
Fanbox: https://g49wo70q.fanbox.cc/

This book had two different releases: one at Fancy Frontier 40 (a Taiwanese convention) and one at COMIC1☆22. FF40 took place before COMIC1☆22, and it appears that some of the art in the FF release are earlier versions of the art in the COMIC1 release (or whoever was doing the FF version forgot to enable some layers before export or were rushed for time and couldn’t get all the final touches done before the con).

– Page 33: Note the missing background in the FF version.

Page 34: Missing backgrounds in panels 1-3, different mouth for Gojou in panel 4.

Other notes:
There was a good ~50 pixels of missing art in the page 15-16 double spread, and both releases had slightly different crops that meant I had to redraw the spread twice, once for each release.

Also, aligning spreads is always a shitty scanning experience.
The COMIC1 version has a continuity error. Kitagawa’s choker disappears in page 31, panel 3 and page 34, panel 3. The FF version doesn’t have this error.

– Where’d the choker go?
The only other minor differences are placements of some floating SFX, better saturation on the FF cover vs. the COMIC1 cover (which you can’t really see if you compare the galleries because I hella colour-corrected them to better match the colours on Melonbooks), and the FF print is slightly more cropped than the COMIC1 print by a handful of pixels, which is nothing to really write home about. Azukiko’s a fantastic artist and I’m grateful we can see his full uncensored work.