E-Hentai / MangaDex Support the artist:Melonbooks: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=1905823Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/4098752Twitter: https://twitter.com/HIROTSUKI5Fanbox: https://g49wo70q.fanbox.cc/ This book had two different releases: one at Fancy Frontier 40 (a Taiwanese convention) and one at COMIC1☆22. FF40 took place before COMIC1☆22, and it appears that some of the art in the FF release are earlier versions of the art in the COMIC1 release…
Introduction and Blog Intent
Hi. This blog is intended to be a supplementary content hosting site for our translations. Extra stuff like extended translator/editor notes, comments, shitposting, etc. will be found here.